Anointed Transformation is coming to our Nation and our world!
Thank you for your interest in working together in this next season as we minister the WORD of YAHUAH, ELOHIM of Yashar’el, Creator of Heaven and Earth to His people.
Our ministry, NewKingdom Ministries International is a ministry based in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul, Mn. Our focus is National and International Awakening and Revival through the TEAM effort of the FiveFold ministry United For Awakening. This is the purpose for which this ministry is formed.
Romans 12:1-2 “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of YAHUAH, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto YAHUAH, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of YAHUAH.”
We realize that as people are in various stages and understandings of TRUTH in their walk with YAHUAH by the RUACH HAQODESH that PERFECT UNITY is our DIVINE goal, not our present reality.
We do not impose strict doctrinal requirements on any team member, ministry, church, or minister that would work together with us to reach the lost and hurting.
Under the KING of KINGS, Yahusha HaMashiach, LORD OF ALL, we deliver messages on and believe in:
- Salvation by Grace through Faith
- Holy communion as commanded by Messiah
- Water Baptism (full immersion)
- Baptism of the Ruach HaQodesh with the evidence of speaking in tongues
- Ministry of Spiritual Gifts and operations of the Ruach HaQodesh
- Fivefold ministry of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers (Including Men AND Women)
- Sanctification and Holiness through grace and power of the Ruach HaQodesh.
- Miracle signs and wonders that follow the believer.
- Healing and deliverance for the believer in Messiah
- Power over all the works of darkness in Messiah’s name.
Our primary focus is salvation of souls out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Messiah by the completed work of Calvary! We believe in preaching and teaching REPENTANCE and HOLINESS as important elements to the walk of a believer. Our message is one of Faith, Hope, and Perfect Love that casts out all fear and exhorts the believer to walk with Messiah by the Ruach HaQodesh to the delight of our Father in Heaven.
We will conduct various meetings and conferences for the sake of the people who need a touch from HIM, YAHUAH Elohim!
All of our encounters shall feature
- Evangelism: Reaching out to those who are still unsaved and need to be water baptized to come out of the world into the Kingdom of Heaven.
- Teaching: Delivering Powerful Revelation and instruction to the believer who needs to learn about LIFE in the Kingdom of heaven.
- Pastoral Care: Helping rid the after effects of bondage, deliverance, and the bruises of this world upon the lives of the men, women, and children who are coming into the kingdom and moving to new levels.
- Prophetic Ministry: Declaring the supernatural word of YAHUAH to activate, pull down, destroy, build up, and impart the spiritual substance needed for a POWER-RICH walk in Messiah through the prophetic word.
- Apostolic Ministry: Providing Oversight, foundation, order and powerful release of the work of the ministry in the lives of people whom are growing up in HIM in all things.
All coming together for the Unity of the FAITH, Knowledge of the Son of Elohim, unto the perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Messiah in us all.
As a TEAM ministry, we unite for the purpose of bringing an anointing of UNITY to the region, the nation, and even the world as the KING grants us opportunity. If we are faithful over little, we shall rule well over much more so we endeavor to minister with EXCELLENCE in every area.
Our HOPE is to bring all YAHUAH’s people to HIM. No one ministry or one office can sustain the body of Messiah. We are all sent forth as ministers of RECONCILIATION to bring HIS people to HIM that HE may dwell within them all. In this is our Father in Heaven well pleased.
This UNITY in POWER by the RUACH HAQODESH in keeping with the 1st Century model as described eloquently by Apostle’s Peter and Paul is the mandate we follow and the RUACH HAQODESH confirms with Signs and Wonders, Miracles, Healings, Power Deliverances, Provision, and Favor!
Perfect UNITY is our DIVINE GOAL, not a present reality …
If you are called to be a part of the ministry team in any area or capacity, we welcome you to participate in our meetings, events, conferences, trainings, and outreach efforts in conjunction with or independent of local ministry, churches, and other outreach efforts. May we ALL allow YAHUAH to speak and clarify points of disagreement and doctrine that we may all come to the unity HE has described for the last days.
We welcome working with Local Pastors and ministries in each community however we do not ENDORSE OR SPONSOR local churches, pastors, or ministries. Our mandate is to deliver the word YAHUAH gives us for a town, city, region, or nation while endeavoring to preserve the bond of peace without debate of doctrines and tenets as this is the HOLY GROUND of the RUACH HAQODESH.
Those who are working together with this ministry effort should do so with a spirit of cooperation, love and grace so that where there may be differences, we may find points of unity and harmony to reach those who need a diverse and creative ministry effort to reach them.
Let us lay aside every weight and every sin that easily besets us and … RUN OUR RACE!